But, I can't help but think I should have accomplished more, seen more, created more.
This week is about beginnings. This week is not only the beginning of September, but also the beginning of the 2009 college football season. This is something that is very dear to me. But, more importantly, this week also begins my first serious push towards making a new life for myself in Charlotte, NC.
The first step on this long, dark, and scary road is the charity photo shoot I have put together with the help of Little Ones Magazine, Orange Element, and Preslar Studios. This shoot's proceeds are going to benefit a wonderful Charlotte based charity named KinderMourn. This special charity councils families who have lost children... regardless of age... regardless of the manner in which they died, regardless of the age of the child. This is an amazing cause and I hope to continue to support them for some time to come.

All of the design work for this event was donated by my good friends at the Baltimore design firm , Orange Element. Aaron, EJ, and Andrea really came through for me! In addition to designing the event promotions, they also designed the logo for my company and consulted in the branding of same.

My new company, Simulacra (Sim-u-lay-kra), focuses on private individuals rather than corporations, magazines, record labels, and ad agencies. Specifically: Baby Photography, Child Photography, Teen Photography, Adult Portraits, and Family Portraits.
My hope is that by doing this charity photo shoot that I not only raise money and awareness for KinderMourn, but also create a demand for my brand of high end portrait photography.
So, if you find yourself in Charlotte, NC this weekend, please come down and help support this great cause and the first step towards my new life.