20 February 2009

80's metal, wrestling, planes, trains, and automobiles.

So, it has been an eventful couple of days... Yesterday I had an hour plus conversation with my web guy, where we laid out a battle plan for my new websites. Then had a 30 minute conversation with one of my clients... Bid out a nice corporate portrait job... Lost said job.

Shit happens.

From there, the day got infinitely better. I picked up Mr. Tyler (my ex-wife's teenage nephew) and made tracks for the local movie house. We decided to check out The Wrestler.

Mickey Rourke is fricken amazing in this film!

So was Marisa Tomei!
The evening was spent doing laundry, talking to a few people on the phone, and packing for my trip to Austin, TX.

I finally got to sleep around 2:00am... Someone kept me on the damn phone. I was rudely awakened by the alarm @ 4:40, which really blew. Jumped in the shower, got dressed, fed Dottie B., packed my computer and hit the ground running.

Roommate Jennifer was good enough to drive me to the train. I will spare you the details, but NJ transit was not on its game today... not by a long shot. I almost missed my flight because of it.

But I made the flight (after doing my best OJ Simpson imitation through Newark airport). I even scored an entire row of seats for myself. BONUS!

I spent the time being productive... Working on content for one of my new websites. After seeing The Wrestler, I was feeling a bit nostalgic for 80's metal. So, a steady diet of Ratt, Slaughter, Quiet Riot, and Guns n' Roses was just what the Dr. ordered.

My buddy Keith was good enough to fetch me from the airport when I got to Austin... From the airport, we went and grabbed some pretty solid tex-mex food @ Polvo's.

After a great meal, we met up with my old high school friend, Austin, Texas lawyer, Justin Demerath. After hanging out at Justin's office for a while, Justin and I made our way back to his place on Lake Austin. He showed me my room and the lay of the land. We then thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of the day and go fishing for a while. Off we went.

We fished for an hour or so and then made our way back to Austin for happy hour and dinner. We met up with Justin's fiancee, Janelle at the happy hour. We went on to have a nice Italian dinner with four other people and a few post dinner cocktails.

I was able to meet up with one of my fraternity brothers, Aaron Boehm at one of the bars... Hadn't seen him since 1997.

It's been a long day, but a good one!

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